Young Adult Programs

Young Adult Programs 

Young Adult Programs can range between ages 14-30 years of age depending on the program. We provide direction and support to families directing them to the right program. Our consultant will pinpoint the right program for the student or young adult moving toward adulthood. This link is to one of the many programs Discuss with our consultant the right program for boys or girls.


Aloft is a young adult program located in Idaho. This is a young adult program we refer to when placing your families. ECs working in therapeutic placement would use this program for families.


This is a young adult program for ages 18 and older located in Utah. We work with this program with Jack Hinman Psych D is the owner of this program to help young adults in transition from high school and beyond.


Pacific Quest is a young adult wilderness and adventure therapy program that is clinically driven and has a high clinical team-supervised program for teens and young adults. Based in Hawaii its location and services provide intensive treatment for young adults.

Pacific Quest

This program provides treatment for young adults 18-26. We are excited at its new beginning to address young The Medows which is also opening a recovery program for adults in Malibu. The Meadows in Tuscon will work with a variety of mental health issues in their program as it expands nationwide.

Claudia Black Young Adult Program capitals

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The Meadows

The Meadows is an exclusive boutique-style treatment program located in Arizona and California. Our consultant work with, The Meadows and its staff in placement for adolescents and adults. The Meadows has changed its name to The Meadow's Behavioral Health Care and has extended its care from addiction and recovery to working with multiple mental health conditions. Now located in Malibu, California this exclusive program is now part of our services,

The MeAdows
Young Adult Transitions Association

Young Adult Transitions is an organization committed to supporting young adult programs in the therapeutic and residential treatment world. This organization holds an annual conference and provides support for these programs in the young adult or transition community.

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Jupiter Canyon

Jupiter CANYON is a program designed for young women 18 and older who are struggling with mental health issues, substance abuse, and trauma this is part of the Legacy Outdoor Program which has a strong clinical team and an average length of stay of 30-60 to 90-day program. TC's Therapeutic Consultant like myself works with this program for young adults.

A Loaf Transition

A LOAF TRANSITIONS is a young adult program Aloft Transitions is a co-ed young adult transition and therapeutic program. They work with young adult men and women . This is a great program helping young men and worms with adjusting to the challenges of young adult life. A loaf is part and member of the Young Adult Transition Association

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Emerge is a unyoung woman's program's providing support for young women facing challenges with depression other mental health challenges.

Turn Bridge

This is a residential treatment program for young adults. This program provides guidance and support for this age group., which is usually 18 and older. This clinically based model is directed at improving the challenges of young adults.

turn bridge
At The Crossroads Young Adult Program

At the Crossroad is a young adult transition program that provides support for young adult women and young men its carefully supervised by a clinical team to address the challenges of becoming a young adult.

Arête Foundation

This foundation supports young adults in transition and is a support for these individuals.

Arete Foundation
Family First

Family First is a male adolescent treatment program that is a comprehensive therapeutic program for adolescent males. The program is located in Palm Beach Florida, north of Palm Beach Florida. The program is clinically operated and owned. 45-90 day program and provides insurance and private pay. There is no insurance-based payment. Staffing 170 for 56 boys.

Family First
Chapel Haven

Chapel Haven is a residential treatment program that provides help to young adults with conniving and learning differences as well as developmental disabilities. Located outside New Haven Connecticut it is a perfect program for a young Adult with a developmental disability,

Chapel Haven
Fulshear Treatment Program

Fulshear is an all-girls treatment program recently acquired by Embark. We have known the program for many years as a young adult transition program, while working with girls between the ages of 13-17 in the past it might be moving toward a older program for girls as well. Our experience with Embark programs has been they have taken over these programs and moved toward either a residential program or intensive outpatient treatment.

Fulshear Treatment Program
Black Mountain Academy

Black Mountain Academy is a private boarding school for boys with neuro diverse challenges grades 9-12. This is a program offering academic support for young adults however the grade level is lower than individuals in this age group.

Black Mountain Academy
Residential Programs For Young Women

Some students may need a residential program. This type of program provides supervision and support and may be a closed or locked unit. There are exceptions, but our placement does not include a state-funded or an insurance-based program in this type of placement setting. We will explain all of the details of this placement and the differences and similarities to therapeutic boarding schools. Many of our residential programs include treatment for eating disorders or sexual abuse issues, as well as developmental disabilities or those who have physical limitations due to a disability. We work with parents to help them understand the services available in their community as an advocate, helping with IEPs and 504 plans.

The Dorm

The Dorm is a young adult treatment-focused program providing support for these students who suffer from depression anxiety and other mental health disorders. We work with young adults at The Dorm.

Q and Associates

Q and A Associates is a program designed for young adults who have struggled to sustain a productive and positive transition into adulthood. The program is located in Davis, West Virginia, Q&A has three programs in the beautiful Canaan Valley: Applewood Transitions, The Journey WV, and Cabin Mountain Living. Our Mission is to provide the experience, environment, and knowledge that young adults must have to develop a love for themselves and their future. To discover fulfillment from giving, working, accomplishing, and cultivating a feeling of belonging, thus beginning their journeys to their full potential spiritually, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

Q and Associates
Aspire Society

Aspire Society is a young adult program that addresses the needs of those young adults facing depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues in a residential setting. We work with this program which is located in Ogden Utah. We know the program director and its clinical staff as well. Parents facing challenges with young adults ages 18-245 are generally a good fit for this program. It also offers courses in college in this community. The housing is supervised and monitored.

Aspire Society
Options Transitions

Options Transitions is a residential program located outside Carbondale, Illinois. The program offers support for young adults needing direction and support in the community. The program is not a therapeutic program but more of a social integration program providing direction for young men. The core of the program is to promote independent living skills with some educational pieces. Many students in the program need assistance with social interactions and learning life skills, This might be learning how to find a job, working in the community, and facing challenges in being around other adolescents your young men. The program offers individualized instruction and support.

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Individuals Instruction
Coach Mentors

Coach Mentors is a private mentoring program that provides support for parents and consultants. We work with this organization to help children, teens. pre-teems and young adults.


Cornerstone is a transitional living young adult program located in Maine This program overs support your young adults and is located on the Eastern Seaboard near New Hampshire.

Bright Quest

Bright Quest is a young adult transition program for ages 18-24. This program provides support for young adults.

Bright Quest
Live Strong House

Live Strong House is a young adult treatment program that provides direction for young adult men. His program is supervised by Paul Taylor. I have known Paul for many years in the industry since working together.

Live Strong House
New Directions

The New Direction program is for young adults. Andrew Rubin is the CEO of the program which has addressed young adults and adults. The program provides housing similar to a residential program.

New Directions
The Carpenters Shed

The Carpenter Shed is a private residential program for young men teach the basics of lifestyle development to maturity. This is a year-round program.

Benchmark Transition

This is a dual-diagnosis treatment program for young adult men. The program is designed to help young adults in transition and provide a support system for these young men.

Emerald Arrow

This is a young adult program working with the Bule Fire Wilderness Program. it's designed for Young Adults this progam is attached to Blue Fire Wilderness,

High Point University

This is a private university that provides individualized help for students. This is a life stills university which provides direction for students, located in High Point North Carolina.

High Point university
Rite Passage

This is a complete young adult comprehensive program designed to ass all areas of students or young adults needing mental health services. This program is data-driven to provide a complete evaluation of students on the spectrum to those students needing help at the post-secondary level and understand the evaluation and assessment part of the program as it relates to working with EC's and the ream students who live independently.

Rite Passage
Vista Life Innovation

This is a pathway program for young adults located in West Brook Connecticut. We plan to visit this program this week in November or when there is an opening to learn the program details. Many of the young adults in this program need the guidance support toward independent living.

Vista Life Innovation
Point School

Point School is located in Puerto Rico and has an adventure-based and educational comment to their program cared on the island of Puerto Rico which is designed for young adults

Point School
Engage Young Adult Transition

Engage Young Adult Transition is a program designed to help young adult with depression anxiety and other mental health condition or challenges,

Engage Young Adult Transition
Intensive Treatment For Young Men And Women:

Some students may need placement in an intensive treatment program. These might be step-down or step-up programs for these families. Each program depends on the needs of the student. These might include work simplification or supervised programming designed for independence and life skills to help your child cope with an emotional challenge. This might be particularly true for a student who needs supervision and medication management. This may also apply to a student with a serious need for medication monitoring, due to safety issues.

We provide placement in intensive treatment programs for adolescents through adults. Our consultant is able to transition those individuals from a detox program to a program assessing to more intensive treatment needs.

Youth Adult Transition Programs

Youth Adult Transition Programs is a therapeutic environment for young adults struggling with attachment distress and relational trauma that creates emotional and relationship challenges. Engage’s therapists and life coaches are driven by principles of attachment while understanding the developmental needs of young adults. The ages range from 17-30 years of age. We work with Jack Hindman Ph.D. in this program.

Youth Adult Transition Programs
Point School Puerto Rico

Please add Pont School to my services page under young adult programs

Point School is a year around GAP year program located in San Juan Puerto Rico not far from Old San Jan,

The owner is Sena Rose and the support staff includes Katling Galt, Ayvana Daniesl, and Erikca Benique. among others provide support in this exclusive program with a combination of wilderness and adventure providing academic support for young adults who need transitioning before college.

Meadows Treatment Center

The Meadows Adolescent Program is a small adolescent treatment program that just opened in Tuscon Arizona. This program is an extension of the Claudia Black Program.

Meadows Treatment Center
Rooted Life

ROOTED LIFE is an adventure based no therapeutic program that provides support for girls ages 15-17. The program is clear for that student who might not need a strong clinician piece but a program that involves more adventure-based activities with a greater amount of accountability with a service component to move a student to be more responsible and also involved in problem-solving, conflict resolution, and task completion. The girl's program is in Costa Rica with the young adult program in Costa Rica.

Girls Progam
Young Adult Program
Foundations Ashville

Foundations Ashville is a resident program for young adults its cousins help young adults through transition and adjustment to adult life. This is a terrific program we met in San Diego and plan our tour of the program soon. Located in beautiful Ashville NC it's in the foothills of the Carolinas.


Skyterra is a young adult training program that provides support and help for young adults. This program is part of the YATAA Association and we provide support for these families.

Bright Path

Bright Path is a behavioral treatment program for teens or adolescents located in Utah this program is designed to help the need of adolescents. We work with Bright Path as a Independent Educational Consultant. Bright Path is an affiliate with YATA.

Bright Path
The Approach

The Approach is a co-ed transitional home environment designed to help teens and young adults transition out of the highly structured residential environment of a treatment center and into a more relaxed, less structured home environment. During their time at The Approach, students have the opportunity for change and development.

The Approach
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Visions Treatment Centers

Visions is a therapeutic program for adolescents and young adults. This program is well known in the industry and has a strong clinical and support staff.

Visions Treatment Centers
Sky Terraya

This is a young adult program for individuals who are over the age of 18 years of age who need a program designed for older abolements,

Sky Terraya
Camino Casa

This is a rudimental treatment program designed to address the mental health needs of young adults located in Southern California. This program is highly structured and provides therapetuic programming and direction.

Foundations Ashville

Foundations Ashville is one of the best secret programs in Asheville North Carolina. This program for young adults and has an outdoor focus and it's essentially a clinically focused program.

Foundations Ashville
Bold Accents

Bold Accents is a new therapeutic program for adolescents. A collaboration of individuals from several programs has introduced this new program for adolescents ages 13-17.

Bridgestone Transitions

Brightstone Transitions is a real-world program based in Gainesville, Georgia, that provides support for neurodiverse young adults, including those with autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities. It helps them transition to independent living through life skills development, career exploration, and emotional growth. The program is community-integrated and offers personalized coaching and mentoring for individuals ages 18 to 30 who may struggle with social, academic, or vocational expectation

Bridgestone Transitions

Elements is a young adult program. This program has several components including an outdoor competition and a clinical practice which is serviced by trained individuals working in the outdoor behavioral industry and also with young adults.

Q and A Associates

Q and An Associates is a young adult treatment program designed to provide life still and support for young adults.

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