Traditional All Girls Boarding Schools

Ethel Walker School

Ethel Walker is a girls' traditional boarding and day school located outside Baltimore, Maryland this school offers a very good arts program and college prep program for girls. The school is listed as a small boarding school

Ethel Walker School
Miss Hall's School

Miss Hall's School is a traditional small boarding school for girls located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts We know this school well and have toured and visited the campus, The school is very familiar with our consultant and is considered a small boarding school for girls with international students and a great curriculum for girls.

Miss Hall's School
West Over

West Over is an independent day and boarding school located in Middlebury Connecticut. The school is specifically an all-girls boarding school. We have toured the school and know the faculty and staff at this college preparatory school for girls. This school has multiple activities for girls which include sports, fine arts, creative arts, and music, among other subjects. They also have AP courses.

West Over
St Mary's Academy

St. Mary's Academy is an all-girls private school located in Louisiana. This is historically an all-girls school for girrls of color supported by the Catholic church. St. Mary’s School opened its doors on Chartres Street in New Orleans under the leadership of Mother Josephine Charles. Located in New Orleans this school provides a unique education for black girls.

St Mary's Academy

Sola is an internationally known boarding school for african girls and provides courses in english for these girls. The taliban does not allow girls to go to school beyond grade 6 and this school located in africa is a unique setting where girls are safe and protected. Many of the girls here are refugees and have protection in africa leading to higher education.

Miss Porters School

Miss Porters' is one of the oldest boarding schools in New England having girls in grades 91-2 this school is an excellent choice for parents. We work with Miss Porters and Miss Hall in all girl's boarding placements.

Miss Porters is a traditional all-girls boarding school located in Massachusetts. This school has domestic and international students.

Miss Porters
Emma Willard School

Emma Willard School is an all-girls traditional boarding school one of the oldest all-girls schools in the country. This is an elite boarding school for girls that has a wonderful campus life and matriculation to some of the top colleges in the country. Some of the more famous girls attending this school include Jane Fonda and Eunice Foot. Elizabeth Katy head of the woman's;s suffrage movement.

Emma Willard School
Fox Croft School

Fox Croft School is an all-girls traditional boarding school located in Virginia. The grade level is 9-12 with a very good curriculum preparing girls for college. The school is located in Virginia.

Fox Croft School

Cascade Academy

Cascade Academy is a therapeutic residential treatment program for girls ages 13-17 years of age suffering from depression and anxiety. The admission team includes highly qualified personnel including academics, and therapeutic programming combined with an outstanding support staff. The ability to do both intakes and measure the progress of the girls is outstanding in this clinical residential setting.

Cascade Academy