Parents Information And Resources
Our parent information section is to provide up-to-date innovation to families on support needed as we walk you through the placement options with your family. As you look carefully over our list you will find everything from parent coaching to specific programs to help your child. There is a separate section on financial aid for families. However, this section focuses on support that families need.
Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia Education is a resource for ECs who are placing students in select boarding schools and also a referral for agents working with international students.
Breaking Code Silence
Breaking Code Silence is a movement started by Paris Hilton to bring attention to alleged abuse issues in the therapeutic boarding school community, Many schools have been investigated at the state and federal level of abuse in many programs and this has led to criticism by many and support by others. The Breaking Code Silence movement is "said to have closed many programs nationwide." Parents interested in the update of the movement need to ask their EC Educational Consultant.
National Association of College Admission Counselors. Many ECs belonging to this association have resources for parents looking at college placement. This is a large group consisting of college counselors and Educational consultants.
Next Step Coaching
Next Step Coaching is a resource for educational consultants and families working with adolescent boys and girls in programming We work with Next Step in the transition phase of counseling with families.
Cornerstones Counseling
We work with Cornerstones Counseling providing the most up-to-date counseling services for families. Cornerstones is located in Maine.
Psychological Evaluations
We provide direction to psychological evaluations for our parents in programs. This is not associated with the National Association of School Psychologists but we have psychologists in placement for families. Many are members or associates members of this organization. They promote their members to be a part of this organization.
TFL Teach For Life
Teach for Life is a post-secondary education program specifically designed to help students at this grade level screed through teaching and learning in a traditional classroom and educational setting. We will be meeting with the program in April at School Connections.
Family Help
Family Help is an intergraded support for families providing support and direction toward mental health. This agency is not placement but a referral source for families.
Parent Coaching And Mentoring
This is an organization committed to providing parent coaching and mentoring for families. Don Thompson is the facilitator of the organization.
Clara Lion Foundation
This foundation was established by the sinner Rhiana from Barbados. She has continued to work with this foundation as owner and contributor to help children in the Caribbean, especially Barbados her home island. We support this organization havnig living in the Carribean for many years.
The Ministry Of Education And Youth
Jamaica is governed by the Ministry of Education and Youth which provides. education services to all children at the second level in Jamaica.
IVY Rehab For Kids
This is a private rehabilitation service for children that provides OT PT and Speech and Language Services located in South Dalota. This is a typical service for outpatient services in a hospital setting but is seen as an outpatient. As a clinician myself I am very familiar with this type of billing and services.
The United Negro College Fund
This is a national organization providing scholarships to individuals of color but its open to all individuals needing scholarships.
Arizona Department of Education
This state agency regulated by the Department of Education regulates schools and districts and certification of teachers throughout the entire state They are also responsible for funding of schools in each district. They do not fund private education unless the district is unable to provide these resources.
Stepparent Adoption
Stepparent Adoption is a not private adoption agency that is located in Texas and provide support for those peents looking at open adoption in the state of Texas.
Onondaga Camp
Onondaga Camp is a private summer camp that provides activities for children and adolescents located in Toronto. Ontario this is an all-a camp located in Canada.
Return to the Heart Foundation
Return to the Heart Foundation is cultivating a world where Indigenous Womxn and Girls are valued, protected, and supported – and where Mother Earth thrives for future generations. By investing in Native Womxn and Girls, we champion gender justice and pave the way for a thriving Mother Earth for future generations.
Therapy Tree
Therapy Tree is a private for-profit organization that provides speech and language, occupational, and physical therapy services at various locations in Arizona. Therapy Tree works with insurance carriers and other reimbursement agencies for children with disabilities.
National College Affordability Group
This group is designed to help professionals who are doing college placement. NCAG's mission is to provide education and resources for college planning professionals. it's not specifically for parents but we have included this organization as a source of reference.
Child Crisis Arizona
This is a nonprofit organization that helps families of children in crisis which includes adoption and emergency services
This is a support organization that provides help to children. Donation are accepted by the public.
Skys The Limit
This nonprofit organization provides funding for families and looking at therapeutic boarding school and wilderness programs. The organization was initially developed by
New Pathways
This is a nonprofit organization devoted to helping our youth achieve success. The program accepts donation and volunteers.
Ladder Internships
Ladder of one of the companies we work with as a start up in helping students looking for placement options as a Educational Consultant. Ladder is academically supported agency which assist us in placement options.
Parent Coaching
We offer individualized family counseling and parent coaching. These services require assessment and meeting with parents either virtually or in person. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, we are meeting through Zoom or Google Meets to discuss your needs. All aspects of your child's education from grade level to improving behavior will be discussed at our meeting including those challenges as a parent. Our consultant will meet with your family and possibly another parent coach to discuss all of the options you have. A continuation of this might happen in the program.
We provide parent coaching for parents to address the needs of your child. This can be done remotely through zoom or conference calling or in person. Our parent coach is provided by the Parent Coaching Institute PCI but we also work with families individually.
Adhd And Add What Parents Need To Know
ADD and ADHD are classified among learning disabilities. Parents with children need to know the difference and how it is addressed in an educational setting. We provide direction for parents of children and adolescents with the condition as well as young adults. Placement in a school or program might be a recommendation made by our Educational Consultant. Most consultants will require testing as well for this learning difference and when appropriate placement in a school or program placement. Many students need simple direction and support and help with diet as well as proper rest and sometimes medication. We would refer you to a pediatrician for evaluation of the condition and testing by a educator.
IEP Advocate
IEP Advocates is a support for parents to understand the IEP process. They are based in Florida and have traomomg adm [pdcast on the IEP process weekly.
Power HomeSchooling
We provide support to families seeking homeschooling as an option for their child power is one of the many online schools for students doing homeschooling. Call our consultant to learn more We will provide a complete explanation of homeschooling and direct parents to the right online schooling program for their child.
Chilliwack Youth Health Care Center
Chilliwack Youth Health Care Center is a Canadian Mental Health Center provider in Canada. They provide a range of services for children through adolescents in the provinces listed on the website.
Coach Mentors
Coach Mentors is a coaching service for developing and improving interpersonal relationships.
Fusion Academy
Fusion Academy is a private independent school providing academic support for grades 6-12 located in Scottsdale the curriculum is individualized and focused on improving grades and academic success. Campuses are throughout the United States.
Ladder Internships
This is an 8-week internship program, in terms of impact on college admissions we are offering interns the experience and operation including the application process into prestigious colleges including Cambridge UI Pennm Standard and USC.
Varsity Tutoring
Varsity Tutoring is a nationwide program providing online tutoring for students based on an hourly or monthly rate. The program is designed to help students in failing subjects or subject areas. This program is endorsed by the Department of Education in Arizona
Chicago Hope
This is a nonprofit organization that provides support for students in the Chicago, Illionois area for college placement and deciding everything from majors to professional studies.
Oakland Schools
Oakland Schools is a regional service agency that offers support services to school personnel that are best delivered regionally and provide cost, size, and quality advantages to those we serve. Oakland Schools is an autonomous, tax-supported public school district governed by Michigan General School Laws and is one of 56 intermediate school districts (ISDs) established in Michigan in 1962. This is a public school working with schools in Michigan. I have a native of Michigan and understand the public schools there.
Holly Robinson Pete Foundation
This is a private foundation established by Rodney Peter and Holly Robinson Pete for individuals with autism. The couple has a son named for the organization which is a tribute to their son who has autism and not a adult.
Thrive Global
Founded by Arianna Huffington in 2016, Thrive Global is a leading behavior change technology company with the mission to improve productivity and health outcomes – one Micro step at a time. Thrive helps individuals and organizations improve well-being, performance and mental resilience with its AI-powered behavior change technology platform.
Power Home School
Power Home School is one of the country's largest home-school programs providing direction and support for parents seeking home-schooling.
Tutor Corp
Tutor Corp is a private business that provides individualized tutoring to students, The company is for profitand has sturcture payment plan.
National Charities And Endowment And Scholarships
This is a list of national charities available to families and the following link is directed at the charities and their benefits. As an EC I'm aware of these resources.
Friends Of The Barak Obama Academy
This fundraising program promotes young men who come from low-income families and need support toward attending college.
US Department of Education
The Department of Education is a federally operated agency within the federal government that regulates compliance of each stat Department of Education
The Experiential Healing Institue
This is a program that provides support for parents and families through experiential healing and focus on parenting and teaching skills which will allow parents to be more effective. This is also a parent coaching focus.
Trans Parent
Trans Parent is a support organization for transgender children it provides information about the condition and the a net work of resources.
Aspen Growth Counseling
Aspen Growth Coaching is a team of specialized coaches committed to helping you overcome challenges and live your best life. Our expert coaching supports a wide range of issues. Aspen works with ECs addressing the support needed for families for discharge planning.
Outward Bound
This is a no-therapeutic wilderness and adventure program. Parents looking at this type of program must be aware of the risk of the program and the staffing.
Love Your Neighbor
This is a community-based program nonprofit which provides assistance for individuals who are homeless or even has issues related to drug addiction and other challenges
The O School
The Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School is affectionately called the O-School. Perhaps most important is the O-School’s complete and accepting atmosphere, signified by the Yellow Door and the attention given to every detail once inside. The O School is unique because it's in an urban setting. The O-School has consistently worked to close the gap between learning and achievement and has been in existence for 75 years,
The Girls Opportunity Alliance
This program is supported by the Obama Foundation and provides financial support for exceptional girls on the South Side of Chicago including cultural opportunities and exposure to culture.
Actual Treatment For Gender Dysphoria
We provide help for parents who have transgender or dealing with gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is where a child is born a male but identifies with being male or female. The student might have problems in each or both areas and its very complicated to the child and they need help both in mental health and development.
Translation Services:
We offer translation services for our clients which includes Zoom conferencing and video chat. This is a prepaid service billed to us and we collect the fees from our clients. We will pre-schedule the video call between the hours of 8 EST and 8 EST. We generally schedule you using our appointment book.