Gap Year
What is a gap year all about?
A gap year is also known as a sabbatical, time off, time out and a year out, referring to a period of time (not necessarily 12 months) in which people disengage from curricular education and/or work to undertake activities such as traveling, volunteering or working abroad. We work with gap year students to help them explore other options before going to college. We also attend gap year fairs to be more informed of these programs.
In the field of college applications, a gap year is a year taken between high school and college. During this gap year, students engage in extra-academic and non-academic courses, language studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more; all for the purpose of improving themselves and their resumes before going to college. These academic gap years are also called Pathways, Prep-Years and Bridge-Years. Our consultant will work to find the right gap program to increase a student's kn...More